Welcome to Music 4 Mini's!

At Music 4 Mini’s we nurture a love of music from an early age.

Music is one of the best vehicles for learning in early child development & it’s been proven that young children absolutely thrive on music.

Our Music 4 Mini’s groups will help babies, toddlers and children socialize & develop emotionally. We have class groups for caregivers to attend with their children and our programme is taken into schools around Cape Town too.

The movement, dancing & playing of basic music instruments in the classes will assist with their gross & fine motor skills.

Singing new & familiar songs will help their speech & communication & this encourages creativity & confidence in a fun & relaxed environment. Our classes have a local South African flavour. Most importantly, the classes will help develop a lifelong love of music in children, which is what Music 4 Mini’s is all about!

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