Benefits of Music for Babies & Children:

Music can assist with your child's development in so many ways including their:







Counting & Memory

Why is Music Important for babies & children?

Music assists with babies and children's development in so many ways.

Literacy – Songs help children to learn new sounds and the meanings of word.
Co-ordination – motor skills are developed through movement, dancing and percussion, as they move their bodies to the beat
Social - Children benefit from interacting with the other children in the class, sharing and learning to work in a group.
Creativity- Music is a fantastic creative outlet for babies, children and adults and most of all is a lot of fun and brings joy to babies and parents alike.
Expression - Music allows children to be expressive, as they move to the sounds and sometimes sing along as they try to mimic what they hear.
Concentration, Counting and Memory - It assists their concentration. Through repetition babies and children can recognize, remember & later recite familiar songs even if they can’t understand the words, so music assists them with memory. As children experience music and rhythm they learn about beats and different patterns and counting, which will help them later in life with subjects such as maths.

Interesting read on the benefits of introducing music to your babies' and toddlers :


In all cultures is it usual to sing to small children. Their first language experiences using vocabulary outside their immediate needs are through song, rhyme and story. Noticeably children who participate in these activities usually express themselves easily and command a wide range of vocabulary in their own language. The same applies when a child is learning a second language. The rhythm of the verses helps the learner to put the stress in the right places, creating a natural flow of language and building up fluency. At the same time rhyming words and such poetic devices as alliteration and onomatopoeia help the child focus on certain sounds, thus giving valuable ear-training and help in pronunciation. Songs provide the opportunity to repeat the same structural syntax items often without risk of boredom, thereby aiding correct and fluent expression.
(Quote from Dipptydoo by Sheila Aristotelus Ward)

What we aim to achieve:

To nurture a love of music from an early age and give moms / nannies and grannies fun, quality time with their children whilst children learn through music.

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