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"Music for Mini's is really one of the best things I ever did with India. We learnt so many songs together, in such a fantastic and fun, and super enthusiastic environment, add a little bit of socialising and voila, you still bump into the moms from when your baby was 6mths old! Love, love love Lisa Shaw and her enthusiasm for music and sharing it with children xxx."

Tertia, Mother of India (2 years old)

"I can see daily how much Scarlett loves music and dancing and how much she benefited from your classes.She is now clapping her hands, stamping her feet and shouting hooray :) Whenever music comes on she stops and listens, smiles and does some sort of musical/dancing movement, it’s a joy to see."

— Samatha, mother of Scarlett (14 months old)

"I can't believe what a huge difference it has made to Sienna by being in your class. She "sings along" at every chance she gets. Thank-you so much! We will definitely be signing up for the new term"

— Liana, mother of Sienna (16 months old)

“Lisa dear, Just want to say our music class is such a special time for me to share with Amelia and when I sing "I love you Amelia, oh yes I do" she smiles broadly...I hope you and your Mom know that you are doing truly meaningful work.”

— Sharon, granny of Amelia (9 months old)

Thanks so much Music 4 Mini’s, your classes have been phenomenal over the years and my boys have learnt so much. Jason has stepped up in social ring time because of his experience in your music class. He is so confident and can interact so well compared to the other special needs kids. I remember your mom told me that music is going to have such a huge impact in the long run. I am so pleased I had that conversation with her. It really has opened up many doors for us and we are so blessed. Blessings upon blessings. Truly grateful 🤗💞😄 thank you 😉😍

— Cherie, mother of Jason (6) and Aidan (2)

My kiddies have always loved music, but I can see they have a renewed love for it now and are even more excited about it all. Tuesday’s are such an exciting day in our school and they literally wait in the activity room for Nikki to arrive ages before the time:-) I send video’s to my parents and the responses from them have been extremely positive.

My little baby girl is often sitting in her chair watching Nikki’s class too and I know that even at her young age she’s enjoying every minute!

— Megan (Grandma’s House Daycare)

Hi Lindi! Just wanted to say a big thank you for bringing Music4minis into our lives! You create such magic in the classes and it’s always such a highlight  of the week for Jamie. You’re one in a million! 🤗🤗🤗

— Tracy, mother of James  (2.5 years old)