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NEW Virtual Classes

Dear friends, Music 4 Mini's had to completely reinvent itself during the Covid 19 era with our team of 6 not able to teach any kiddies in an in-person environment during heavy lockdowns. We are really proud of our virtual classes.
They encourage singing and dancing, playing basic instruments (which the children either make through the crafts we provide instructions for or by using various things they already have at home). Music is also good for the soul and during this strange time we're living through it can bring a lot of joy into the home!
If you haven't experienced our virtual classes yet below is a FREE CLASS for everyone to see what they are all about. These lessons are educational, interactive and loads of fun for children from 3 months to 6 years. The Music 4 Mini's Team would be so grateful if you could please share our virtual class far and wide! If you love the class please get in touch with the sign up button below. The classes are available globally as well (i.e we accept online payments globally).

The package options are as follows:
4 classes for R250
12 classes for R600
16 classes for R700

24 for R1000

** Limited special promotional offer of R750 for all 24 classes if you sign up before end August 2021l! **

How to sign up?
- Click on the ‘Sign Up for Virtual Classes’ button below and fill out the form.
- We’ll send you confirmation and payment instructions.
- Once payment has been confirmed we’ll send through the links to the classes.

Try a FREE Class below!

“You have outdone yourselves! We’re ALL loving the video. Well done on such a professional job done in a short period of time.”

 “That was such a fantastic virtual class!”

“Just did the first music class with my daughter. That was amazing! Thank-you for your effort!”

“LEGEND we loved the class! Have shared far and wide”
“Thank-you for bringing such happiness into our home! They are on class two of the class now!”

“Absolutely loved the class today. Thank-you so much! So excited for the next one!”
— From our new virtual class moms